Thursday 21 September 2017

Yusuke Oono's 360°storybooks

Yusuke Oono, a Japanese designer and architect innovates the art of storytelling entirely with these beautiful fairytales
books that can open up 360°

The 40 page book opens up as a circular fan. The story unfolds itself magically in the cut out detailed figures that appear as it opens in a way by which every illustration of the book is visible at once. It looks much like a 3d paper mini carrousel of a story.

The designer made each of these special books page by page digitally. After this they he cut them out with a laser cutter and bound them together. The artistic series of 360°-cut books were initially unable to be mass produced due to the labour intensitivity of the designs.

Luckily the company named Loftwork who sponsored the contest where Oono’s work gained recognition cooperated together with book publisher Seigensha to make
Snow White and Mount Fuji available to the public.

Lifehack Finders Nice to Know:

We think this original idea is something that will take the enjoyment and experience of reading a bedtime story to your child to the next level.

In an interview on NHK the artists says he likes the positive feedback on his innovations and supports the idea of sharing designs and concepts online through Open Source, which we feel is something to be applauded.

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