Monday 18 September 2017

Investment starters tips top 10

1. Pay yourself first.

If you want to invest you will need an amount of money to start with but what most people don't know is that a large sum is not needed. If you have a small sum you can allready start investing.

Of course, investing a small amount of money isn’t going to get you alot of return on investment, so remember to increase your investments as your finances improve. Every time you get a raise, or generate a new income flow, be sure to increase the amount that you invest.

Tip: Set up automatic transfers from your bank account to an investment account. This way you can save a part of your monthly income as soon as you get it.
Also open an online brokerage account. Choose one that will allow you to open an account with a $0 minimum, and no maintenance fees.

2. Security.

Get some insight in your finances and investigate your personal financial situation thorougly, before you consider investing by examining your savings, the status of your debts, your current tax situation, your insurance coverage as well as your retirement accounts.

Tip: Take advantage of tax-deductible retirement accounts and understand the impacts on your taxes when investing outside of tax-sheltered retirement accounts.

3. Balance.

Return and risk go hand in hand and this is ok as long as they are balanced out well. Good investment skills means having an eye on have both, yet attitudewise, it is nothing like speculation.

If an investment looks very attractive in prospect of returns, calculate its risk profile and find out how much money you could lose if it happens to have a negative outcome for you.

Tip: Never ever invest more than you can afford to lose.

4. Patience

Patience is key. Always try to keep a long-term mindset when investing and don’t invest money, unless you plan to keep it invested for a minimum of five to ten years.

In the meanwhile don't frett over the investment, because
the prices, the supply and demand, the external issues are always fluctuating in the investment world. Don't get nerved-wrecked by these inaivodable short- term highs and lows and keep your focus on the future.

Tip: Don’t sell when there’s a sale going on; because in depressed periods, it is the worst possible time to sell.

5. Knowledge.

Know what you are doing, get in depth information about the current top investments and make a decision on how you would like to invest: ownership assets, stocks, real estate..
Don’t instantly believe every investing strategy and philosophy you come across, but be very selective and do some research.
Talk with other investors and share in their experience and "know how"

Tip:  The quality of the source of information and facts is always superior to the quantity. Learn to differ between both.
Never buy an investment based on an advertisement or a salesperson’s recommendation. Where possible, minimize fees.

6. Analyze

Evaluate the competence of any advisor you may consider to hire. The best way to do this is by properly educating yourself and by diving into the available expertise.

Tip: The investment business can be a 'dog eat dog' world, so watch out for any conflicts of interest, when you do consider to hire an advisor to help you.

7. Timemanagement

The most time-consuming investments are Real estate investments and running a small business. Consider how much time you are willing and able to spent on investing and build your plan on that information.

Tip: If you lack the time there are other options for you like stocks and other securities via the best mutual funds and exchange-traded funds which are profitable and are better manageable in terms of time 

8. Strategize.

Diversify your investments by holding a variety of investments in different markets if you invest in stocks, invest in stocks worldwide, not just your own country.

Tip: You can diversify even more by investing in real estate, besides investing in stocks.

9. Trading.

You are very likely to get hit with increased transaction costs and higher taxes (for non-retirement account investments) if you trade.

Tip: Try to limit your trading as
mistakes are also more common when you trade more.

10. Reinvest

To get a bigger boost to your portfolio consider investing in a fund that pays dividends because you can automatically reinvest those making this a great way to improve your investing capabilities, since it actually accelerates your ability to invest.

Tip: By reinvesting in dividends, you can buy more shares allowing you to earn more dividends. Dividends are payments that corporations pay to their shareholders. If you own stock in a company, you are a shareholder. Reinvesting dividends means you are taking the dividend payments and using them to buy more shares in the company.

Lifehack Finders Nice to Know: 

Investing is a smart and exciting way to watch your money grow, just be sure to keep enjoying it and don't let it regulate your stress levels. Health is always above wealth!

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