Sunday 1 July 2018

Deveci Tech. The ENLIL Eco-smart Wind Turbine with Wi-Fi

The energy crises that faces us today and in the near future because of the depletion of exhaustible resources that are also destroying the ecosystem by generating carbon into our atmosphere , is a valid reason for great concern for the scientific world.

Finding a sustainable solution is something what the Deveci Techn. a company located in Turkey did by inventing ENLIL: a unique and eco-friendly energy generator.

In short ENLIL is a device; a windturbine with a smart vertical axis that draws wind energy from highways and transforms it into a usable powersource through creating electricity from the generated windforce. The turbine has built-in sensors and helps generate energy by using the winds created by passing vehicles as well as natural airstreams.

ENLIL provides a creative new way of thinking by placing the hybrud vertical axis wind turbine which has a solar panel on top, on highways, Metrobus lines, high rising buildings and onther transportation lines. It can contribute to becoming a real and practical solution to the crisis.

ENLIL wind turbines have a built-in IOT platform which measures the temperature, humidity, wind and CO2 levels of the environment where it is placed. These turbines are part of Smart technology and usable for the development and planning of Smart Citis and communities because they are multitasking pieces of technology that utilize existing infrastructure. By creating ENLIL, Deveci Tech. inspires to build smart cities of the future with a team of talented engineers and progressive environmentalists.

The recordings made by ENLIL can help predicte weather and it is also possible for the ENLIL device to provide relevant information in advance about seismic movement that may cause earthquakes, through it's earthquake monitoring station which is to a great advantage to earthquake sensitive areas.
Ecologically it is innovative in checking the carbon footprint by keeping close track of the CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

ENLIL is a smart device which can provide wireless internet. Users can access the information any time by downloading and installing the app on their mobile phone.

Lifehack Finders Nice to Know: a project likw ENLIL proofs that it is possible to think outside and come up with a clean, green and safe energy source. Enlil will soon launch its own mobile app to provide data about the readings recorded by the wind turbine.

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