Tuesday 3 July 2018

UFBS (Ultra Fine Bubbles) and Nanoteragoup experiments

Ultrafine bubble are just one-billionth of a meter in diameter but they have amazing potential because recent scientific studies has shown that they are able to extend the freshness of raw seafood and promote crop and vegetation growth.

This innovative field of technology originates from Japan and its applications are very promising and highly experimental in the work of applicable nano sciences in water.

For example in the medical field the use of UFB's (short for Ultra Fine Bubbles) raises high expectations as research is now being focused on their ability to destroy bacteria and even viruses.

According to Nanoteragroup a company who specializes in developing the technique UFB's are shown effective in:

Helping the growth of aerobic microbes and decomposing sludge at water bottom. Removing bad stenches and even more exciting stimulating self purification to recover a clean water environment and improving the quality of water without destroying the water environment.

UFBs have also shown very effective in oxidation and reduction of organic compounds, in eliminating floating blue-green microbes (and thereby supplying oxygen to bottom water) and in resolving excess nutritious matter.

In laymans terms UFBs make it possible due to their ultra fine or small size to come in between the mass and the volume of other particles by changing the structure on the inside on a nanolevel; this results in a rearrangement of the available space and the waterbubbles breaking down the structural pattern of the bigger particle at its deepest core by filling it with UFBs.

Lifehack Finders Nice to Know: nano-size bubbles do not scatter visible light, making the water solution look transparent and have been confirmed to stay in a liquid for over six months.

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