Tuesday 3 July 2018

SOLA Cube by Usagi no Nedoko

SOLA Cube showcases extraordinary craftmanship and original ornaments of beauty by placing delicately preserved plants, seeds, flowers and even  minerals, and microbes, in the form of a miniature acrylic cube sized only 1.6 x 1.6 inches. 

Exceptional craftsmanship is necessary to enable this small transparent cube, which measures only 4 centimeters, to hold a plant at its very center without letting any air bubbles get inside.

How it is made:

In the first step of creating the SOLA Cube, liquid acrylic is poured into a mold slightly larger than the Sola cube. The dried plant is carefully placed when the liquid hardens to a gel, after this proces more liquid acrylic is then poured into the mold.

The mold is then placed into a vacuum kiln, then pressurized to force out any air bubbles.
The cube is showered with hot air of 80 degrees for about 3-4 hours. This stabilizes and hardens the acrylic, and guarantees the SOLA cube's durability. 

Finally the cube is cut to precisely 4 centimeterson each side, the corners are rounded and smoothed at the end of this step and the surface of the cube is then polished until it is shiny, clean, and glossy.

The manufacturing process and resin used in polishing is adjusted, depending on the variety of plant to be set inside the cube.

Every Sola cube is a true piece of art carefully handmade by an Japanese artisan, and each one takes considerable time and effort to complete. It makes for a very special and unique gift for a loved one.

Sola cubes can be displayed  in multiple ways to inspire and be observed, studied, admired.

Lifehack Finders Nice to Know: the name “Sola” with the Chinese symbol 宙 means universe.

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