Saturday 14 January 2017

How to learn a new language in 6 months: Chris Lonsdale at TEDX

Chris Lonsdale gives a presentation about learning faster. In particular he is telling in this 18 minute presentation how someone can learn any language in 6 months time. 

According to his own experience talent and immersion have nothing to do with learning a new language fast. You can improve your communication skills and learn a new language by modelling and by using these 5 principles:

1. The interconnection between attention, meaning, relevance and memory. Any information that involves your survival or helps you achieve personal goals has relevance. Focus on language content that is relevant to you.

2. We master tools by using tools and we use tools faster when they are relevant to us.

3. When you FIRST UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE, then you will unconsiously aquire the language. Physiological training that create new filters in your brain: if you cant hear it you can't understand it if you can't understand it you will not learn it. 

4.  Talking is practiscing your muscles.

5. Psycho physiological state matters!  Feeling happy, relaxed and curious and not trying to interpret it perfectly straight away makes a big difference!

And  these 7 steps:

1. Listen alot: brainsoaking. 

2. Get the meaning and then the words (by bodylanugage) for comprehendible input.

3  Start mixing: language is a creative process!

4. Focus on the core high frequency content, if you master 3000 words you have mastered the language. 
Toolbox: use your questions to know more about the language, ask the questions in the language you want to learn and not in the language you allready know!
Glue words, improving ypour grammer and completing your sentences: get ready to have simple but whole conversations.

5. Get a language parent, someone who can coach you through with patience.

6.  Copy the face: mimic the facial expressions.

7. Same box different path :link mental pictures to new sounds.

Lifehack Finders Nice to Know: Chris Lonsdale is a psychologist, linquist and educator teaching at Lingnan university. In 1980 he graduated from the University of Canterbury with first- class honours. He is the author of  'The third ear'  which is based on his personal experience of learning foreign languages and his training in psychology.

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