Saturday 31 December 2016

Go, go gadget arms by Giacometti

The Giacometti Robotic Arm of the Tokyo Institute of Technology invented a nearly two-meter-long robotic arm which is filled with air and is able to be monitered easily and accurately thanks to artificial muscles and a camera.

The weight: a little over a kilo, makes it easy to transport, perfect for instance in rescue operations in disaster areas, when there is being searched for survivors in difficult accessible places.

Copyright: Suzumori Endo Lab Tokyo Institute of Technology

Lifehack finders Nice to Know: Finally real life Go, go, gadget arms!

Previously Suzumori Endo Lab at Tokyo Institute of Technology developed together with A2Lab, UTM a lightweight and slim Giacometti Hexapod Walking Robot. This particular robot has a height of 0.94 m, a width of 1.67 m and a length of 1.5 m. It weighs 3.7 kg and has a simple structural design using soft and thin soft actuator and CFRP material. This way the damage to the robot and the surroundings would be very small if an accident occurs making safety again a priority in their design.

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