Saturday 18 March 2017

Fine durable design, and solar power combined in new solar roof tiles by Tesla and SolarCity

An updated version of the energy-storing Powerwall is combined with camouflaged roof tiles, the Solar Roof and Powerwall 2 were shown during a Tesla event at Universal Studios in LA.

Made from glass and available in four styles, the panels are bringing ecological technology and modern design together because the cells are camouflaged by a coloured film.

The product named Powerwall 2, has twice as much energy and twice as much power as the first version and can provide enough energy to power a four-bedroom house for an entire day. In combination with the Solar Roof, it supplies 100% renewable energy for the home.

"It's never going to wear out, it's made of quartz, it has a quasi-infinite lifetime," Tesla founder Elon Musk said. To demonstrate this specific and interesting quality of the product, it was dropped on the floor before an audience during the presentation.

"We need to make solar panels as appealing as electric cars have become," said Musk. "The goal is to have solar roofs that look better than a normal roof."

Musk set the SolarCity and Tesla merge as an significant step in the development of an integrated solar panel and battery product based on the Powerwall.

Lifehackfinders Nice to Know:
The presentation took place at Universal Studios on the set of the popular tv series Desperate Housewifes which ended in 2012.
A series of the houses of the fictional Wisteria Lane were stripped of their old roofing materials after which they were replaced with one of four visiually similar styles.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Bendables screens and foldable devices

Samsung is very busy developing and launching two new smartphone models with bendable screens, including a version that can be fold in half.

These devices will be using organic light-emitting diodes and could be introduced this year. The second Samsung model will have a 5-inch screen when used as a handset, that unfurls into a display that’s as large as 8 inches, like a tablet.

 “Their biggest obstacle was related to making transparent plastics and making them durable, which seems resolved by now.” says an IBK Securities Co. analyst from Seoul.

Codenamed “Project Valley,” it is rumoured that Samsung could start an official productlaunch very soon now.

Samsung will not market the new bendable-screen models under the Galaxy S name, according to a confidential source.

While previously released videoclips featuring the foldable concept phones have been around, Samsung has yet not made such a device commercially.

Lifehackers Nice To Know:
The OLED technology based displays are thinner with brighter colors and are less draining on the battery than those in most current phones.